I totally agree, there's stacks of fun to be had here and despite its chaotic nature it's such a chill little package. So I'm giving Rain on Your Parade 4.5 out of 5 rubber chickens. There's also a lovely light heartedness and humour to it that had me chuckling all the way to the end. I had a really good time! There's so much variety to the levels that you're never left wanting. But what did you think of Rain on Your Parade overall, Gem? Well that was a good one! But for me it has to be when we actually got to rain on someone's parade right! I mean it's the name of the game! I'd spent the whole game waiting for this moment and it was everything I could've evert hoped for! Sucks to be the people in it of course but I was having fun and isn't that what truly matters. Trying to be stealthy stealing the Mona Clouda from a museum, whilst tornado-launching anything not nailed down- it's harder than it looks! What about you? Oooo that's such a hard question, they've all kind of blended together in my mind, like a chaos smoothie but I'd probably say the heist one. That's exactly it, a nice balance! I know there were a couple that caught my eye but did you have a favourite level? Yeah it knows it's limits and works around them! That keeps things feeling fresh and exciting with enough freedom to feel like you can approach each level your own way but with enough structure to keep things moving at a good pace. Which in a way I guess you kinda are but having those goals gives you something to work towards, which I really like. Sneaking around as a spooky spectre in a horror game, going on an old school dungeon crawling adventure, protecting a town from a horde of raging robots in a long, drawn out tower defense battle - Rain on Your Parade does it all! It tries a lot of different settings but never stays in one place too long so you don't have time to get bored and don't feel like you're causing chaos just cos. But at the end of the day there is very little I won't do in a game for a gold star so, eh!Įach level is a self contained little world with some even dipping into styles of other games. I mean the only thing I kinda feel guilty about was that one guy I rained on for a whole level while he tried to get to work.
#Rain on your parade game switch free
I know right! And guilt free too because the game clearly states that this is a wholesome universe where no actual harm can come to these people shaped blobs. From fierce tornados, to snowy cocoons, to crackling lighting strikes! Freak weather has never looked so cute! Once you've got that list, though, you're set loose to inflict all kinds of weather-based chaos upon the unsuspecting inhabitants.

Only the few with gold stars are mandatory whereas the others just go towards unlocking new cosmetic items for Cloudy. Throughout the game's 50 levels you're given a handful of objectives to complete like soaking all humans or not using up all your water. You play as Cloudy, the little cloud who woke up and chose violence. If your plans have ever been ruined by cloudy skies or a sudden and unexpected downpour of rain- well consider yourself lucky because Rain on Your Parade is here to show us how destructive a cloud can be.